The Little Book of Help
This is a unique book in that it contains many of our, and others’ unique stories and experiences of suicide loss. We hope this book may provide some comfort and support but we know that even within BAGS, while some of us found others’ stories helped us feel less alone, some members avoided other people’s experiences as it felt too much to bear. Please honour your own feelings and only purchase this if you feel it will be of help to you. People have bravely shared their own experiences, thoughts, emotions, and drawings as an expression of their unique reflections of losing loved ones through suicide*.
This is a unique book in that it contains many of our, and others’ unique stories and experiences of suicide loss. We hope this book may provide some comfort and support but we know that even within BAGS, while some of us found others’ stories helped us feel less alone, some members avoided other people’s experiences as it felt too much to bear. Please honour your own feelings and only purchase this if you feel it will be of help to you. People have bravely shared their own experiences, thoughts, emotions, and drawings as an expression of their unique reflections of losing loved ones through suicide*.
This is a unique book in that it contains many of our, and others’ unique stories and experiences of suicide loss. We hope this book may provide some comfort and support but we know that even within BAGS, while some of us found others’ stories helped us feel less alone, some members avoided other people’s experiences as it felt too much to bear. Please honour your own feelings and only purchase this if you feel it will be of help to you. People have bravely shared their own experiences, thoughts, emotions, and drawings as an expression of their unique reflections of losing loved ones through suicide*.
*Sensitive personal stories of suicide loss are included which may be upsetting for some people